HomeNewsConnected Street Lights: The Future of Urban Lighting

Connected Street Lights: The Future of Urban Lighting


Smart street lights offer cities a cost-effective way to cut energy use, improve public safety, and lay the groundwork for advanced urban infrastructure.


Investing in smart technology, especially intelligent street lighting, yields significant benefits for a minimal outlay. At its core, networked LED lighting uses motion sensors to light up only when necessary, drastically reducing energy expenditures. But the advantages extend beyond mere energy savings and enhanced lighting; these systems can also serve as the backbone for sophisticated smart city applications, thanks to their ability to gather and analyze vast amounts of data.


Among various smart city projects, adaptive lighting stands out for offering the most value. It can be implemented gradually, without needing to overhaul existing infrastructure—simply by updating old street lights.


These smart lights come equipped with various sensors and cameras that gather essential data, helping cities make informed decisions and enhancing overall livability for residents. Through the Internet of Things (IoT), these lights can communicate wirelessly, monitor traffic, track maintenance needs, identify security threats, and much more.


Due to their scalability and versatility, intelligent lighting systems are poised to play a pivotal role in urban development as cities increasingly embrace technological advancements.


Harnessing the Power of Smart Street Lights


According to Navigant Research, by 2023, there will be approximately 116 million LED street lights operational, matching the number of existing high-pressure sodium (HPS) fixtures. These advanced lighting solutions are poised to significantly decrease electricity costs, reduce CO2 emissions, and streamline maintenance processes. With features such as auto-dimming and scheduling, cities may see energy costs slashed by 50-75% through the adoption of smart street lighting.


However, the potential benefits of smart street lights extend far beyond energy savings. These systems can also incorporate air quality monitors, traffic management tools, public Wi-Fi access points, security cameras, gunshot detection systems, and digital advertising displays. Such integrations not only enhance urban infrastructure but also boost public safety, with potential crime reductions of up to 10% as highlighted by Silver Spring Networks. This multifunctionality makes smart street lights a key component in the broader smart city strategy, transforming ordinary street lighting into a crucial tool for urban development.


Intelligent Lighting in Action: Global Cities Lead the Way


Cities around the world are adopting smart street lights, achieving notable gains in safety and energy efficiency. Chicago is at the forefront with a massive $160 million initiative to replace 85% of its public lighting. This project, championed by the mayor’s office, is expected to cut energy usage by 50-75%.


Los Angeles has embraced smart lighting on 80% of its streets, incorporating LED bulbs, 4G LTE connectivity, and sensors that detect gunshots and other public safety threats. In its first year, LA reported a 63% reduction in energy costs and improvements in city-wide cellular service.


In Dallas, the Smart Cities Living Lab program in the West End Historic District is a beacon of innovation. In collaboration with AT&T, Dallas has installed 23 smart street lights equipped with LED bulbs and devices that oversee parking, lawn irrigation, and air quality monitoring. Since its inception, the West End has enjoyed a 35% drop in energy costs, a 12% boost in local business revenue, and a 6% decrease in crime. If expanded citywide to cover all 85,000 lights, Dallas could see annual savings of around $90 million.


Schenectady, NY, is also making strides with its smart street lighting deployment. Mayor Gary McCarthy is exploring additional benefits from IoT technology. The city’s LED lights are equipped with motion sensors to conserve energy when no traffic is present, and the network is managed through a secure web interface. Schenectady's light posts include HD cameras to enhance traffic management and public safety. McCarthy is also considering using these cameras for city maintenance, such as monthly street surface imaging over several years, to further leverage the technology.


ROI for Smart Light Initiatives: Assessing the Financial and Strategic Benefits


As of 2017, the Connected Street Lights Market was valued at $3.59 billion and is forecasted to surge to nearly $9 billion by 2024. Europe currently leads with a 34% market share, followed closely by North America and Asia. With significant investments pouring into smart lighting, it's crucial for municipal leaders to demonstrate not only the societal benefits but also the tangible return on investment (ROI) these technologies offer.


Smart street lights offer a quicker and more substantial payback than many other smart city endeavors, with savings often cited in the range of 70-75%. The transition to LED lighting alone provides a measurable short-term ROI, facilitating the adoption of additional technologies that may have longer ROI timelines or more elusive benefits, such as real-time traffic monitoring.


According to a Silver Springs analysis, LED lighting is expected to recoup its costs in about eight years, whereas IoT-enhanced lamps may see a payback within just six years. Although adding connectivity initially raises costs by around 20%, it is anticipated to yield further savings of at least 30% over the bulb’s lifespan, which can extend up to 20 years.


The case for connected street lights is becoming increasingly compelling. With more success stories, decreasing hardware costs, and growing public support, the immediate financial returns from the primary functions of smart street lights are becoming hard to ignore.


However, the greater value lies in the secondary functions these systems can fulfill—collecting a vast array of data that can be transformed from mere information into actionable intelligence. While transportation departments may spearhead the deployment of smart street light networks, the advantages extend across various municipal departments—from housing and labor to law enforcement, energy, and more—highlighting the broad impact and potential of intelligent lighting solutions in urban settings.

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